On Tue, Apr 17, 2001 at 04:29:13PM -0700, David N. Welton wrote:
> Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > no 800K not 32MB.  32MB is a rediculous and absurd waste of space.
> > out of 800K less then 100 are actually used for yaboot/ofboot.  (but
> > HFS requires a minimum of 800K)
> If you happen to have any, ahem, other operating systems, that uses,
> say, HFS+, which linux doesn't handle well right now (afaik), you can
> use this partition not only as a bootstrap, but also as a place to
> exchange files between Linux, and the other OS.

that is a very poor idea.  if you allow MacOS to mount the bootstrap
partition it **WILL** debless it rendering your system unbootable.

you should use a dedicated small type Apple_Bootstrap partition.  if
you know what your doing and like booting manually at the OpenFirmware
prompt every time fine.  if not you better follow my instructions as
you will get no sympathy from me otherwise.  

Ethan Benson  who has had it with `i booted macos and now linux won't boot!' 

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