On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 06:28:33AM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> AFAIK this is true on ADB systems.  Only twice have I seen Ctrl-Cmd-Power
> not restart an ADB Mac, and those were seriously fscked systems.  And
> there have been endless discussions on Mac server mailing lists about how
> the hardware-based ADB keyboard reset, which pulls down a dedicated line
> in the cable (i kid you not) is way more reliable on MacOS than the USB

that would explain it ...

> version (which traps something in a driver) and how can they keep
> upgrading their servers when the new ones don't come with ADB and still
> be capable of reliable forced restarts like with whatever ADB dongle or
> other device they use (answer: use something that will cycle power to the
> system (bleh)).

i heard that newwer apple machines have a hardware watchdog built in,
its disabled by default of course.  

Ethan Benson

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