On Thu, Apr 26, 2001 at 08:34:01PM -0700, Chris Tillman wrote:
> I read in some documentation that the key combination for shutting down 
> Linux in an orderly way, from any user account, is Ctrl-Alt-Delete. I figure
> the equivalent on the iMac keyboard is Ctrl-Opt, but I wonder what
> substitutes for the Delete key, the backspace key marked Delete doesn't cut
> it.

you know ive always been curious about this, i have never found a way
for the control-alt-del combo to work on powerpcs.  on intel the
`delete' key is what mac people call the forward-delete key.  but
neither that or backspace work on a mac (as ctrl-alt-del).  

this may work correctly when you switch to linux keycodes but i
haven't done that yet since its not clear to me whether a new
console-* package may be required or not.  

something else ive wondered, why can't control-command-power be
trapped by init and used as ctrlaltdel?  is this hardwired in hardware
and untrappable by software? 

Ethan Benson

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