On Fri, 27 Apr 2001, Fabian Jakobs wrote:

> Now I have it and I'm very impressed. Mol seems to be really fast and stable
> but what is bothering me is, that I have to start it as root. In an earlier
> version I could load the kernel modules in an init scrips and was then able
> to start mol as regular user.

I found that loading 'molsymglue2' then 'mol', after copying the modules
into /lib/modules/<kernel ver>/misc, made it so that I could once again
run MoL as non-root. I would suggest starting it once as root, then
looking at the module load order and adding entries to /etc/modules to
reload them in that same order. (I don't understand why there are _three_
molsymglue's, and why only one of the three seems to actually work,
though. For that, you'd have to ask Samuel. :)

Derrik Pates      | Sysadmin, Douglas School|    _   #linuxOS on EFnet
[EMAIL PROTECTED] |  District (dsdk12.net)  |   | |   and now OPN too!
   Student @ South Dakota School of Mines   | __| |___ _ _ _   ___ _ _   ____
       & Technology (www.sdsmt.edu)         |/ _  / -_) ' \ '\/ _ \ ' \ (____)
UNIX: Because you want to USE your computer.|\___,\___|_||_||_\___/_||_|

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