On Fri, Apr 27, 2001 at 10:54:07AM +0200, Jens Schmalzing wrote:
> Hi,
> Geert Uytterhoeven writes:
> > > IMO the default molrc should look for the rom in
> > > /usr/local/lib/mol/something
> > Is that Debian compliant? I'd expect the rom to be in /etc/mol/.
> If I understand the FHS Section 4.4 correctly, putting the MacOS ROM
> image under /usr/lib/mol is fine.  After all, the stripped ROM image
> is just a PowerPC ELF executable.

All your /usr/lib are belong to dpkg though ;-)  

if the admin has to copy this file themselves it should go into
/usr/local IMO, /usr/lib is supposed to never be touched except by the
packaging system. 

> Right now, the bigger problem is to find a painless way to obtain this
> file from the existing MacOS on the user's system.

in this case presuming you ask the user via debconf where thier macos
partition is and you manage to copy the ROM over yourself, and be sure
to remove it on package removal (--purge?) then /usr/lib/mol would be
fine.  as for getting the ROM image thats really not too hard:

1) ask user where thier MacOS partition is
2) try to determine whether its HFS or HFS+ (this could be hard since
   HFS+ is wrapped in HFS)
3) use hfsutils (HFS) to copy :System\ Folder:Mac\ OS\ ROM to
   /usr/lib/mol, or hfsputils to copy :System\ Folder:Mac\ OS\ ROM to

hfsputils are the HFS+ versions of hfsutils (not yet debian packaged AFAIK)
they currently work ok for simple read-only operations so it may be
sufficient if you packaged and depended on them.

this isn't foolproof since MacOS does allow the user to move or rename
the System\ Folder to whatever/wherever the hell they feel like it,
though i have known very few who actually do that.  

there is also the issue of MacOS upgrades, if MacOS is upgraded and
its ROM replaced it will crash the next time mol is run since it deals
with mismatched ROMs very poory.  

ultimatly the user just has to know about this and how to deal with it

Ethan Benson

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