On Sat, Apr 14, 2001 at 06:45:40PM -0700, Jason E. Stewart wrote:
> "Steven Hanley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > As for sound, you just want the sound enabvled with the AWACS (mac sound)
> > driver enabled. I have it compiled in not as a module (I dont know if it
> > works as a module or not) and have no problems with sound, I can play any
> > sort of sound with no skips or problems at any time. 
> OK. I've discovered that the skips and pops only happen if I am an
> unpriveleged user. If I'm root, everthing plays fine....

that makes no sense, are you a member of group audio?  

if not i can't imagine how it would play at all...  unless maybe you
were fiddling with permissions and only changed some of the devices maybe.

Ethan Benson

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