On Saturday 14 April 2001 04:35, Steven Hanley wrote: > Hmm, I have both modem and sound working perfectly on my pismo under a > recentish benh kernel > > For the modem you need the macserial module (or compiled in which will give > you a device for the modem and one for the ir port) once htis is loaded you > can use the modem on ttyS0 or whatever. > > There is the thing ben mentioned about needing to wait a bit for it to > power up or some such, I needed to put the init string ATX1 in all my > programs that needed to dial with the modem.
I now do have the modem working as well. See my reply to Peter Cordes' message. > As for sound, you just want the sound enabvled with the AWACS (mac sound) > driver enabled. I have it compiled in not as a module (I dont know if it > works as a module or not) and have no problems with sound, I can play any > sort of sound with no skips or problems at any time. Okay, the KDE sound server aRts produced real bad noise (like radio static but even worse). Then I changed the sampling rate to 8 bit and it worked with the effect that mp3s out of the KDE media player sometimes click and pop. mpg123 seems to play mp3s fine. -- Philipp von Weitershausen [ *pronounce: "fun Viters-houzen" ] Web http://www.philikon.de/ Home +49 330 569 4763 Cell +49 175 632 2022