On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 07:04:42PM -0700, David J. Roundy wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 08:55:44PM -0500, Joseph Red wrote:
> >
> > The best I can tell, I'm supposed to drop something in Finder (???) and
> > "set it up to boot from CD".  Now I can't find the page, and I don't know
> > what the finder is.  I was happy to be able to do the install, it only
> > took 2 tries :)
> The finder is what the MacOS file manager is called.  :)
> To set it up to boot from CD you can go to the apple menu (upper left) and
> select "Startup Disk" under the submenu "Control Panels".  This should give
> you a relatively self-explanatory control panel showing the disks
> available, one of which is hopefully your CD (which would let you select
> it).
> The other way to boot from CD (which may and may not work) is to start the
> computer up while holding down the 'c' key.

debian CDs are NOT bootable on oldworlds and they won't be in the
forseeable future.  

the bootx howto is at http://penguinppc.org/usr/bootx.shtml

Ethan Benson

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