On Wed, Apr 11, 2001 at 08:55:44PM -0500, Joseph Red wrote:
> The best I can tell, I'm supposed to drop something in Finder (???) and
> "set it up to boot from CD".  Now I can't find the page, and I don't know
> what the finder is.  I was happy to be able to do the install, it only
> took 2 tries :)

The finder is what the MacOS file manager is called.  :)

To set it up to boot from CD you can go to the apple menu (upper left) and
select "Startup Disk" under the submenu "Control Panels".  This should give
you a relatively self-explanatory control panel showing the disks
available, one of which is hopefully your CD (which would let you select

The other way to boot from CD (which may and may not work) is to start the
computer up while holding down the 'c' key.

> I can do a little bit in MacOS, basically browse the HD & CD, but I'm
> looking for a page that has a little bit more info.  Any links?

Sorry, I don't know of such a page.  :(
David Roundy

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