> > It was interesting, but I had a similar problem. At some point, yaboot
> > stopped listening to my keyboard on boot. Everything booted and worked
> > fine, but then I built a new 2.4.x kernel to test a firewire HD on my
> > pismo and I ran into trouble.
> >
> > The kernel wouldn't boot, and I couldn't type a different image name
> > into yaboot. I tried command-option-O-F, and all I got was a black
> > screen. Eventually I got into MacOS by holding down the option key and
> > booting the visual bootloader, and choosing MacOS.
> >
> > Running the Apple 'System Disk' utility cleared up all the issues. I
> > can now boot into OF, and yaboot accepts input....
> sounds like nvram corruption, macos causes this.

I've had kernel panics cause similar things (I usually lose the
boot-device setting and have to reset it to my boot partition at the end
of the disk. Yep, I know it should really be the first one instead ...)

Resetting the NVRAM (command-option-p-r ??) should fix it.


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