"Ethan Benson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Tue, Mar 20, 2001 at 08:03:31PM +0100, Arne Scheffler wrote:

> > i made a little mistake in configuring the yaboot.conf.
> > I forgot that i've got now a scsi disc, where linux
> > exists on. so now i can't get into the openfirmware
> > (with command-option-O-F)

> ybin does nothing to OF that prevents `command option o f' from
> getting you an OF prompt, in fact it can't do anything to prevent
> this.  you just  need to hold these keys down while the machine boots,
> since there is a very short window for which it will be noticed.  

It was interesting, but I had a similar problem. At some point, yaboot
stopped listening to my keyboard on boot. Everything booted and worked
fine, but then I built a new 2.4.x kernel to test a firewire HD on my
pismo and I ran into trouble. 

The kernel wouldn't boot, and I couldn't type a different image name
into yaboot. I tried command-option-O-F, and all I got was a black
screen. Eventually I got into MacOS by holding down the option key and
booting the visual bootloader, and choosing MacOS. 

Running the Apple 'System Disk' utility cleared up all the issues. I
can now boot into OF, and yaboot accepts input....


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