Michel Dänzer wrote:

> It's under 'network device support', then 'PCMCIA network device support'. You
> have to enable wireless LAN support there and you'll be presented with the
> choice for Airport.

I don't see the airport listed, I only show support in the PCMCIA network
device support for:

Aviator/Raytheon 2.4MHz wireless support
Xircom Netwave AirSurfer wireless support
AT&T/Lucent Wavelan wireless support
Aironet 4500 PCMCIA support

> > Are you rsyncin' a different tree than linux-pmac-devel?
> I use penguinppc.org::linux-2.4-paulus, I believe that's the same.

I just grabbed that and the same thing, so it probably is the same. The odd
thing is that the airport.c file is in the tree, so it must be rolled into the
tree somehow, but I don't see it listed anywhere.

I realize the airport is a hack on the AT&T/Lucent Wavelan, and tried to
create a module for that last night, but didn't end up with an airport.o
module after I installed the modules I built...hmmm...I should end up with an
airport.o module, right?


Alan DuBoff
Software Orchestration, Inc.

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