Hi Phil,

On  11 Mar, this message from Phil Brutsche echoed through cyberspace:
> A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...
>> On the other hand, what kind of machine is this? Processor-upgraded?
>> What was the original, what is the new CPU?
> I have no idea what the original processor was - I got it with a NewerTech
> G3 card in it.  I didn't get the original processor card.  Various Mac
> sites say it had a 604/604e @ some clock speed at the factory.

Aha, that gets us closer to the problem, I guess...

>> I had a similar problem with my internal (MESH) SCSI bus and a spacific
>> IBM harddisk, after upgrading from a 604/132 to a G3/300.
> Hrm... This is an IBM disk on the mesh controller with a G3 card...
>> 'Slowing' down the processor helped, and here is what I entered into
>> OF. If you want to give it a try, this should be harmless on OF
>> versions other than 1.0.5:
>> This slows the G3 processor down through setting the ICTC regsiter
>> (Instruction Cache Throttling Control).
> Thanks for those incantations.  Unfortunately, it didn't work :(  I'm
> still getting the "DEFAULT CATCH!" error.

Hmm.. what was the exact message again? the code= part tells you what
the crash was about; the last 4 digits are the type of exception, which
can be looked up in the PPC manuals.

Also, I'm attaching a different quik first stage; The default coming
with some quik release wouldn't boot on my G3 processor. Had something
to do with the way BAT's are set up; I have no idea whether the 'fixed'
version ever made into an official quik release. Copy this somewhere,
and rerun quik:

        quik -f -i <my first.b>

Save your old first.b (don't overwrite the one in /boot !!), in cae
anything goes wrong. Also, make sure you have some other way (i.e.BootX)
to get your machine up before fiddling with quik! But I suppose you
havem since quik doesn't work ;-)


Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
L-1710 Luxembourg              |
email   [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan        |                     Learn Always. "

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