
On  10 Mar, this message from Ethan Benson echoed through cyberspace:
> On Sat, Mar 10, 2001 at 09:30:35PM -0600, Phil Brutsche wrote:
>>  can't OPEN: /bandit/gc/mesh/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:0
>> RESETing SCSI bus
>> RESETing SCSI bus
> i suspect its trying to read the disk before its spun up, does that
> wBoot script include delays?  

IIRC, the version that is around does so, yes.

> you might try using your root partition instead of partition 0.  

That will not work if you have OF version 1.0.5, which doesn't seem to
support partition numbers.

On the other hand, what kind of machine is this? Processor-upgraded?
What was the original, what is the new CPU?

I had a similar problem with my internal (MESH) SCSI bus and a spacific
IBM harddisk, after upgrading from a 604/132 to a G3/300. 'Slowing' down
the processor helped, and here is what I entered into OF. If you want to
give it a try, this should be harmless on OF versions other than 1.0.5:

        code ictc!
                7e9bfba6 l, 829f0000 l, 3bff0004 l, 4e800020 l,

        pvr@ 80000 >=
                hid0@ 208 or    <- Thes lines are probably
                FFFFFF7F and    <- not necessary.
                hid0!           <- Try leaving them out.
                11 ictc!

This slows the G3 processor down through setting the ICTC regsiter
(Instruction Cache Throttling Control).



Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
L-1710 Luxembourg              |
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