Dear Matt Brubeck
Thank you for your reply to my request for help

On Sun, 11 Mar 2001, Rodney Brookes wrote:

 XF86Config or XF86Config-4 command not found.
 /etc/X11/XF86Config or /dev/mouse Permission Denied.

 Are these the real messages from startx?

 no these are the messages from trying to configure with XF86Config

Are you trying to run "XF86Config" as a command? It is actually a file
which you should edit, using a text editor.

Yes I'm new to Debian but have the book learning debian gnu/linux by o'reilly which says ''However you can launch the program any time you like. To do so log in as root and type the command: xf86config.'' Is this wrong? Please if this is wrong how do i launch XF86Config? I'm not a complete newbie to linux I have have had several versions of linuxppc on G3 and G4 but have not experienced these sort of problems with the initial installation, but I am determined to complete the Debian installation (with a little help)!

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