Title: G4 Installation
Many Thanks to those who helped with my OF problem which is now solved.

I now have another problem with the installation which I cannot solve.
I have now scanned my 3-disk version 2.2 rev 2 on my G4
and this is the breakdown of the installation...
Installed components
Gnome Apps
Gnome Desktop
Newbie Help
X Window System (complete)
and I also did a tasksel -s

When I try to start x
XF86Config or XF86Config-4 command not found.
/etc/X11/XF86Config or /dev/mouse Permission Denied.

When I checked if it was installed I got, usr/X11R6/lib/X11/XF86Config  x11/xserver-common
so it is there.

I am probably doing something wrong please can anyone help?

Rod Brookes

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