In case people are interested in getting a 2.4 kernel to compile *and* work
on their powerbook, here's a quick howto on how I did it.

(info from

$ mkdir linux-pmac-stable
$ cd linux-pmac-stable
$ rsync -avz --delete .

I tried the standard 2.4.2-pre stuff from, but it had some
problems compiling.  Rsync'ing from or should give you a good tree.

Move this directory to /usr/src/linux and go for it!

I was able to get 2.4.2-pre3 to compile and go on my Powerbook.  I ran
into problems with ReiserFS and Devfs, so I turned those off.  Though it
would be pretty cool to have ext3 or ReiserFS on a laptop...

My .config is available at

--Grant Miller   grant at unixguru dot org

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