Hello Michael,

 I have the same computer, and PMUD is working fine.
 I am using the latest pmud debian package (devel)
 and kernel 2.4.2-pre1. I assume you are using devel
 too? If so, I would recommend you updating your
 kernel. You can try my own, with no need to mess
 around. Intructions are at this site:


 Best wishes,

Michael Flaig wrote:
> Hi All...
> My PMUD does not work ... I don´t know why ...
> I get IDE Timeout ... this shouldn´t happen when i close the display.
> Has anybody had this Problem ? How can I solve it ?
> My Powerbook G3 / 400 is detected as Type 12 : Ibook.
> Kernel is Paulus´ 2.4.1
> thanks,
> mfl

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