On Thu, Feb 01, 2001 at 07:54:03PM +0100, Werner Teeling wrote:
> Platform : Mac ppc 7200
> Debian 2.2.17
> Bootloader (?) : bootx application
> I got linux-2.2.17.tar.gz, and unpacked.
>        -> from the how-to: "Unpack the kernel source to
>        /usr/src/ with a command:
>        tar xvzf linux-2.2.x.tar.gz -C /usr/src".
> 'make config' and [y/n]'d appropriate options.
>        -> 'make menuconfig' gave an error.

make menuconfig needs the ncurses-dev package (not sure of the exact name)

> 'make zImage' : ok. duration: 1h.45 mins.
>    (bzImage gave : "No rule to make target 'bzImage")

Actually you don't need either zImage or bzImage. Those are compressed images 
which are needed on the PC platforms, but not on PPC. Instead, do:

# make vmlinux

> 'make modules' : ok.
> 'make modules_install' : ok.
> By this point, there should be a new kernel, right ?
> But how do I install it ? AFAIK, lilo is n/a on the ppc platform.
> Or will  'dpkg -i ../kernel-image[and the rest of the name]' do the 
> trick ? (Geez, it can't be that simple..)

Well, it might be that simple if you use the debian kernel-packaging system.
I don't simply because I haven't taken the time to learn about it.

Instead, you need to put System.map into the /boot directory and take 
'vmlinux' and put it in the 'Linux Kernels' Folder within the "System Folder'
on your Mac partition. This is where BootX looks for kernels. After you've done
this, you'll be able to select your kernel from the pulldown menu on BootX. Oh
yeah, did I mention that you should name the kernel something appropriate like
'vmlinux-2.2.17' so you'll be able to distinguish it from the others in the 

Good luck

Vinod Kurup, MD
phone: 617.277.2012
cell:  617.359.5990

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