I compiled a new kernel with ipmasquerading for my ppc 7200, to use
it as a router. I came to the point described below, but have no idea
how to do the next steps. The kernel-howto is PC biased, and I found
no answer in my archive of this list.
Platform : Mac ppc 7200
Debian 2.2.17
Bootloader (?) : bootx application
I got linux-2.2.17.tar.gz, and unpacked.
-> from the how-to: "Unpack the kernel source to
/usr/src/ with a command:
tar xvzf linux-2.2.x.tar.gz -C /usr/src".
'make config' and [y/n]'d appropriate options.
-> 'make menuconfig' gave an error.
'make zImage' : ok. duration: 1h.45 mins.
(bzImage gave : "No rule to make target 'bzImage")
'make modules' : ok.
'make modules_install' : ok.
By this point, there should be a new kernel, right ?
But how do I install it ? AFAIK, lilo is n/a on the ppc platform.
Or will 'dpkg -i ../kernel-image[and the rest of the name]' do the
trick ? (Geez, it can't be that simple..)
Thanx in advance,