Doug McNaught wrote:
> Another thing you can do, that trades off Unix semantics for battery
> efficiency, is to mount all your filesystems with the 'noatime'
> option.  If you don't do this, even reading a file that's in cache
> will cause a disk write, to update the access time field of the
> inode.  There isn't much on a typical workstation that depends on
> 'atime' being correct, so it's probably worth doing for laptops.

What exactly is 'not much'? :)

> I got this off linux-kernel a while back and hadn't seen it mentioned
> yet, so I thought I'd pipe up.

Thanks for the suggestion.


Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)  \  CS student and free software enthusiast
Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc,i386) user \   member of XFree86 and The DRI Project

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