On Fri, Dec 15, 2000 at 01:28:47AM +1300, Stephen Judd wrote:
> (apologies for MS-cruft - I'm at work)
> That message you refer to was probably from me, just playing the part of
> a concerned citizen. I have no pretensions to moderating anything.
> yaboot may sound extreme, but it's the way. it's not that hard tho. all
> you need is:
> - a copy of yaboot at the top level of the directory structure of the
> boot partition
> - a valid yaboot.conf, also in / of your boot partition
> - the ability to hold down cmd-opt-O-F at boot
> - type "boot hd:n,yaboot" where n is the partition number
> You can make it more convenient with yabin etc, but my fingers are so
> used to doing this automatically that I can't be bothered setting it up
> any more. :-)

in fact ybin makes it quite a bit simpler, especially when you use the
one from potato r2 with powerpc-utils from potato r2, here is a
yaboot.conf for setting up yaboot on a macos boot partition:

##   ^^^^^^^^^^^^ change to macos partition

##     ^^^  only change this if your not using internal ATA disk, use
##          `ofpath /dev/sda' to find the right value for scsi

##        ^ partition number of your root filesystem


## Comment out if you have a newworld compatible nvsetenv (ybin can
## likely detect the incompatible version) when commented out ybin
## will update the boot-device variable in OpenFirmware to the
## bootstrap partition.  
#^^^^^^^  comment this out! 

## add nobless otherwise macos won't boot anymore (since we are
## sharing with a macos partition)


## make yaboot files invisable in macos

## make yaboot files read-only in macos


## enable boot menu with a MacOS entry:

then just run `ybin' note your macos partition must not be mounted, if
its mounted use the `mntpoint=/mntpoint' option, see yaboot.conf for
more details.  this will build the boot menu and set OpenFirmware's
boot-device variable to boot it directly so you need not fsck with OF
at all.

Ethan Benson

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