Too bad, dear Michel. There is no way that I can read the DOC file. The message included in clear text refers to yaboot as the solution of all problems, but I am using BootX and installing yaboot sounds a little extreme. I've tried with a boot floppy, but OF does not like it, and re-formatting the HardDisk if off-topic. Recompiling XF4 from source is also off-topic.
Thank you all, for your attempts to ask my questions regarding the specific issue. I will install the programs I need in the MacOS partition and go forward with it until the correct binaries are in place, and they will hopefully work for the Lombard, one day in the third Millennium... Regarding the other messages on apologies etc, I remember receiving a very pacificatory message from what I assume was the moderator, for which I can be blamed for reaction, and a certain other person can be blamed for triggering my reaction in the first place, and a number of other people confirming it. Then I remember somebody apologising, and then myself accepting it. Unfortunately I was (and I am still doing it, to a certain extent) I was struggling with a broken system (that motivated my original request for help) and a text e-mail client on another machine, so I really do not know to who I was writing to in the first place, although my answers were strictly related to the replied message. I believe the mail client did the rest, by posting my reply to the right person, and I apologise if this was not the case. I also remember sending a very explanatory message, where I explained what is my own way to help. Although the mailing list archives are useful when hunting for FAQs, and I do use them, it is not always easy to find what you are looking for, and sometimes (like in my present case) it is not even possible. The way I proceed is to compile a web page with concrete help for those problems I've managed to reduce to solutions. By "concrete" I mean something along the line of "install the package X" including a version number if it is necessary, with detailed instructions on how to configure and/or with my own configuration files that are one click away. I am always improving the page, and I am always available to reply to private requests of help. This way of proceding has been proven quite successful in the last two years; so successful that the page in question was scoring in the top five of our sites for quite some time. I do not hunt for credits, I only hunt for happy people. Merry Christmas, and happy new millennium, if we do not cross in this mailing list in the near future. Best regards, Sergio