On Tue, Dec 05, 2000 at 10:34:14PM -0500, Eric Reischer wrote:
> If you mean you want to erase every last cluster on the disk, then you can 
> use the following command to do that, no matter what type of drive it is:
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fd0 count=<how far you want to go......omit to 
> clear whole disk>

this only works if the floppy is already low level formatted and that
formatting is not corrupt.  formatting != filesystem

> This should essentially create a floppy disk with absolutely no information 
> on it; not even a boot sector.  From there you can format as usual to 
> create a usable filesystem on the disk.

this will usually work since floppies are usually already formatted,
but if you have a corrupted floppy you can sometimes recover it by low
level formatting it and then creating a new filesystem. 

Ethan Benson

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