
I've got a Problem with my aktual Debian Installation. I want to run 16bit Mode
with XFree ... I've set the DefaultColorDepth to 16 but when I do "startx"
i'm getting errors from the XFB_Dev Server.
fbdevScreenInit: unable to set screen params (Invalid Argument)

Could it be a Problem with my yaboot.conf ?

I'm booting Linux Debian from a bootstrap partition. I've created it with
the LinuxPPC Page, so that I can choose this Partiton as boot device in MacOS.

I'll send you my yaboot.conf with this mail.

What's about xpmac ? Can I run it under Debian ?
Any good Howtos available ?

And by the way: What was the reason for leaving xpmac out of debian potato
and woody ?

I've got woody now ... had the same problem with potatop ...

any ideas ?



On Thu, Nov 16, 2000 at 07:22:13PM +0000, Gordon Dykes wrote:
> I an having problems configuring X
> On my pc, running suse there was an application called sax to configure X.
> Are there any similar utilities for debian or could somebody send me 
> the configuration file for an imac (rev B).
> Your time is much appreciated.
> -- 
> For evil to triumph it is only necessary for good men to buy Microsoft.
> --  
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Michael Flaig ... PROLinux
init-message = "\nWelcome to DebianPPC...\n\n"

timeout = 50
default = Debian

image = vmlinux
label = Debian

image = vmlinux-2.2.17
label = NEU

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