On Wed, Sep 27, 2000 at 02:23:24AM -0700, Indraneel Majumdar wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to the list (which I've joined after becoming bald in the last 2
> days trying to sort out this problem ;-( I've looked at the archives (also
> LinuxPPC archives) with no result. Please help.
> I've downloaded potatoPPC 1st CD and have mounted it -o loop on my
> SuSE/intel box and then exported it via nfs. I made boot and root disks
> and installed the basic system on our PowerPC Workgroup Server 8550/200
> with 2GB sda. Partitions look like:
> Apple Partition map
> /     1.2GB
> /var  600MB
> swap  100MB
> swap  100MB

ok, not sure i get why you have 2 swap partitions, is this two disks?
or are you under the impression that the linux kernel still has a
limit of 128MB on swap partitions?

> after first reboot it asks for floppy again and doesn't boot from sda.
> Booting from floppy is fine and I can also chroot to /target and work
> there (but I can't continue the install). I've also tried to make
> Apple_Bootstrap partition as hfs using MacOS CD and tried using ybin but

don't do that, you cannot use the MacOS partitioner to create
GNU/Linux partitions including the bootstrap partition.  see:

http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/doc for help on partitioning with

on other thing, you mention this is a 8550?  is this correct? if so
you cannot use ybin/yaboot, as your machine is not a Newworld.  the
bootloader you want is quik.  also the bootstrap partition is not of
much use on oldworld macs unless you want to try and mess with
miboot.  (which i don't want to go into..)

> I'm obviously getting stuck somewhere. Can someone help? I'm using Mac for
> the first time and have never worked on MacOS before (so I couldn't follow
> many of the archive threads). I'm debating whether to use LinuxPPC but
> debian is such a nice distro (on intel at least) that I don't want to
> leave it.

we need some more info, but i think your problem is trying to use
yaboot on an oldworld, that won't work.  

Ethan Benson

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