
I'm new to the list (which I've joined after becoming bald in the last 2
days trying to sort out this problem ;-( I've looked at the archives (also
LinuxPPC archives) with no result. Please help.

I've downloaded potatoPPC 1st CD and have mounted it -o loop on my
SuSE/intel box and then exported it via nfs. I made boot and root disks
and installed the basic system on our PowerPC Workgroup Server 8550/200
with 2GB sda. Partitions look like:
Apple Partition map
/       1.2GB
/var    600MB
swap    100MB
swap    100MB

after first reboot it asks for floppy again and doesn't boot from sda.
Booting from floppy is fine and I can also chroot to /target and work
there (but I can't continue the install). I've also tried to make
Apple_Bootstrap partition as hfs using MacOS CD and tried using ybin but
I'm obviously getting stuck somewhere. Can someone help? I'm using Mac for
the first time and have never worked on MacOS before (so I couldn't follow
many of the archive threads). I'm debating whether to use LinuxPPC but
debian is such a nice distro (on intel at least) that I don't want to
leave it.


# Indraneel Majumdar                  ¡  E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  #
# Bioinformatics Unit (EMBNET node),  ¡  URL: http://scorpius.iwarp.com  #
# Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics,                         #
# Hyderabad, India - 500076                                              #

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