well i was bored so i decided to figure out how to netboot a powermac, heres how:
install bootpd (for debian apt-get install bootp) install tftpd (for debian apt-get install tftpd) edit /etc/inetd.conf as required you should have these two lines: bootps dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/bootpd bootpd -i -t 120 tftp dgram udp wait nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /tftpboot now edit /etc/bootptab, you should have an entry like this: socrates:\ hd=/tftpboot:\ bf=yaboot:\ ip=\ sm=\ sa=\ ha=000502F1ABBB: notice the fscking backslashes, i forgot the one after socrates: which makes it fail in obscure ways. change the ip addresses and netmask to match your site. the hardware address is annoying, but required. the way i found it out was to simple try and netboot the mac and looked in the logs and found: Sep 8 23:50:37 plato bootpd[15289]: unknown client Ethernet address 00:05:02:F1:AB:BB (if you don't get any message like this try adding -d to the bootps line in /etc/inetd.conf) now you know the MAC address so you can add it to /etc/bootptab. in /tftpboot i have the following: [EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ ls -l /tftpboot/ total 2173 -r--r--r-- 1 root root 2155419 Sep 8 22:19 vmlinux-2.2.17 -r--r--r-- 1 root root 56828 Sep 8 22:19 yaboot -r--r--r-- 1 root root 144 Sep 9 00:05 yaboot.conf [EMAIL PROTECTED] eb]$ now last but not least edit /tftpboot/yaboot.conf: device=enet: partition=0 timeout=50 init-message="Debian GNU/Linux" default=linux image=vmlinux-2.2.17 label=linux root=/dev/hda3 read-only now save all changes reboot the mac while holding down the `n' key and you should get a yaboot prompt. add ramdisk images just like you would on a disk based yaboot bootstrap: image=vmlinux-2.2.17 label=linux initrd=root.bin initrd-size=8192 i will post these instructions on my web page soon for future use since i don't know of any other site that explains in sufficient detail how to netboot macs. -- Ethan Benson http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/
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