Hi Patrice!

 >: Considering my partition map, how should I configure quik?

see my attached quik.conf (working on a 3400)

 >: well, my problem is probably miboot. Let's see if we can get quik to work,
 >: and then work on the kernel thing... :)

compile your kernel >= 2.2.15pre14 with
# CONFIG_BOOTX_TEXT is not set

while in OF (opt-command-o-f during startboing):
setenv boot-device ata0/[EMAIL PROTECTED]:X

X stands for your root partition, OF wants it in hex  ..,8,9,A,B,..

after configuring of quik.conf:
/sbin/quik -f 

# Example of how can be quik.conf set up
timeout = 50
root = /dev/hda6
append = "hda=autotune"
# append = "adb_buttons=1,84,18"
# append = "adb_buttons=52,10"
init-code="dev /bandit/ohare/via-pmu backlight-on"
init-message="Type g, l, m, off, t, n, d\n" 
image = /boot/vmlinux
        label =linux
        alias =l
image = /boot/vmlinux.new
        label =new
        alias =n
image = "$bye"
         label =macos
         alias =m
image = "$shut-down"
         label = off
         alias =o
image = /boot/vmlinux.test
        label =test
        alias =t
image = /boot/vmlinux.gut
        label =gut
        alias =g
image = /boot/vmlinux.devel
        label = devel
        alias =d

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