On Thu, 7 Sep 2000, Ethan Benson wrote:
> could you send me output of mac-fdisk -l /dev/hda (or whatever disk it
> is) i am curious if you some how had a driver partition.  if they are
> really not needed that would be interesting and useful. 

I hope the output of pdisk -l /dev/hda is sufficient? :)

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# pdisk -l /dev/hda

Partition map (with 512 byte blocks) on '/dev/hda'
 #:                type name    length   base    ( size )
 1: Apple_partition_map Apple       63 @ 1      
 2:           Apple_HFS MiBoot    5000 @ 64      (  2.4M)
 3:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 swap    131073 @ 5064    ( 64.0M)
 4:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 boot     41028 @ 136137  ( 20.0M)
 5:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 Root   6891214 @ 177165  (  3.3G)
 6:     Apple_UNIX_SVR2 Home    939173 @ 7068379 (458.6M)

Device block size=512, Number of Blocks=8007552 (3.8G)
DeviceType=0x0, DeviceId=0x0

(the /dev/hda4 boot partition is totally unused.. I just created it in

This partition map was created with mac-fdisk. pdisk could not write it...

> > Is quik on the Debian CD? One thing about Linux on PowerPC I've noticed,
> yes
> well on newworld boxes you don't need macos really, oldworlds you need
> at least a floppy drive and if quik works your fine.  im not sure
> about miboot i thought it required a disk driver partition. (maybe it
> depends on the ROM)
> > ok, I'll look on the debian ftp site, but.. where do I find quik?
> apt-get install quik
> /sbin/quik

that'll be find as soon as I can get Debian to install ;)

> > and quik will work with Oldworld ROM?
> heh well `will work' might be a bit too strong ;-)  its made for
> oldworld powermacs (and a few non-apple varieties) but whether it
> works is dependent on if the gods have smiled upon you and allow your
> OpenFirmware to work.

I'll take my chances.. though I'm a little reluctant to scrap

> > My method was to create a small 2MB partition for miboot, then format
> > it using hformat -l miboot /dev/hda2. I then took the
> > miboot.img from BootX 1.2.2, and dd'd it on the partition. Using the
> that is sort of redunant, dd will blow away the filesystem you just
> created with hformat.  you don't need to bother with hformat if you
> just dd an image (which is the best way to install miboot) 

yes, but I hformated to have the volume name I wanted :)

> > hfstools, I hmounted that partition, then used hattrib to make it
> > bootable: hattrib -b miboot:  
> this is also likely uneccessary, its probably already done, but can't
> hurt.  just don't boot macos it likes to ruin this kind of setup. (no
> prob for you since you don't have macos)

yeah, I did the hattrib just in case... and maybe because I somewhat
recall someone having to do that when he used miboot (on the LinuxPPC
lists archives)

> well i don't know how miboot works in regards to ramdisks but cant you
> just set it up to boot the debian kernel and ramdisk? 

Well, as I ranted in my previous email, documentation is a rare commodity.
I have absolutely no idea how miboot works. No idea how to tell it which
partition should be root. yadda yadda... It just worked magically when I
tried it.

(I'll also need to find miboot documentation too, since I can't seem to
boot a kernel I compiled myself... argh...)


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