On Fri, Sep 01, 2000 at 10:26:28AM +0200, Michael Lyngbøl wrote:
> Doh! It is /vmlinux - now I end up here:
> Second-stage QUIK loader
> boot: 
> Starting at 0
> opening display /[EMAIL PROTECTED] failed

this seems to be typical and non-fatal. (it happens even with kernels
that work fine on my friends 7200)

> copying OF device tree...done
> booting...

and i assume it just sits here forever?  yes that is exactly what
happens with my friend's box on kernels after 2.2.14.

> Reading some of Ethan Benson's posts to debian-powerpc list I'll be
> stuck here?!

not sure what to tell you, there is something funny somewhere its just
finding where... 

Ethan Benson

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