that indeed solved the init freeze problem.

this should be in the docs!!! it would have saved me 12 hours of
reboot/reinstall problems.


on 8/24/00 11:37 AM, Charles Stevenson at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> You might try append="hda=noautotune", or get yaboot 0.6... or both ;)
> Regards,
> Charles
> On Thu, 24 Aug 2000, Josh Davison wrote:
>> hello, 
>> i have been attempting to install Potato on a yikes G4/400Mhz power
>> macintosh and experiencing freezes and other errors when init starts.  i
>> have followed the installation manual's instructions and partitioned the
>> system as follows:
>> dev/hda1-4 -- apple partition map/driver/patches
>> dev/hda5 -- 1MB bootstrap partition for yaboot
>> dev/had6 -- 200MB / partition
>> dev/hda7 -- 2GB /usr partition
>> dev/hda8 -- 5GB /home partition
>> dev/hda9 -- 128MB swap partition
>> dev/hda10 -- 2GB MacOS HFS partition
>> i have run the installer from a pre2_2 install CD, as well as over a tftp
>> net-boot with the same results ... the install goes fine, i do the yaboot
>> configuration as described in section 7.15.1 of the install manual
>> (substituting '-m /target/etc/ofboot.b' for '-m /etc/ofboot.b' since /etc is
>> actually on the ramdisk not the root filesystem).
>> when i reboot the system following installation/configuration, yaboot works
>> fine, the kernel loads, but when init is supposed to start one of several
>> things happens:
>> 1) various shared library errors appear.  several times has been
>> reported to contain various garbage characters, other libraries have also
>> reported difficulties, usually this ends with a complete system freeze
>> 2) init won't start at all, the system just hangs and i can page-up/down
>> through the kernel messages but init never starts
>> 3) init does start, tries to run fsck on the root filesystem and drops me
>> into single user mode, but if i try to run fsck it either gives me more
>> shared library errors, or runs and then any other command that i try to
>> execute segfaults.
>> one time i was actually able to get into dselect and install the basic
>> system but never was prompted to enter a root password or add a new user and
>> was unable to log in.  repeated attempts to boot in rescue mode from the
>> install cd to change root password failed and i never got that far again.
>> i have now re-installed no less than six times and am ready to switch back
>> to LinuxPPC 2000 which ran fine for many months on the same machine with
>> only minor installation problems.
>> if anyone has had similar problems or can offer a solution, i would be very
>> grateful.  i really would like to get Debian working on this box.
>> thank you.
>> Josh Davison
>> onShore, Inc.
>> --  
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