hello, i have been attempting to install Potato on a yikes G4/400Mhz power macintosh and experiencing freezes and other errors when init starts. i have followed the installation manual's instructions and partitioned the system as follows:
dev/hda1-4 -- apple partition map/driver/patches dev/hda5 -- 1MB bootstrap partition for yaboot dev/had6 -- 200MB / partition dev/hda7 -- 2GB /usr partition dev/hda8 -- 5GB /home partition dev/hda9 -- 128MB swap partition dev/hda10 -- 2GB MacOS HFS partition i have run the installer from a pre2_2 install CD, as well as over a tftp net-boot with the same results ... the install goes fine, i do the yaboot configuration as described in section 7.15.1 of the install manual (substituting '-m /target/etc/ofboot.b' for '-m /etc/ofboot.b' since /etc is actually on the ramdisk not the root filesystem). when i reboot the system following installation/configuration, yaboot works fine, the kernel loads, but when init is supposed to start one of several things happens: 1) various shared library errors appear. several times libc.6.so has been reported to contain various garbage characters, other libraries have also reported difficulties, usually this ends with a complete system freeze 2) init won't start at all, the system just hangs and i can page-up/down through the kernel messages but init never starts 3) init does start, tries to run fsck on the root filesystem and drops me into single user mode, but if i try to run fsck it either gives me more shared library errors, or runs and then any other command that i try to execute segfaults. one time i was actually able to get into dselect and install the basic system but never was prompted to enter a root password or add a new user and was unable to log in. repeated attempts to boot in rescue mode from the install cd to change root password failed and i never got that far again. i have now re-installed no less than six times and am ready to switch back to LinuxPPC 2000 which ran fine for many months on the same machine with only minor installation problems. if anyone has had similar problems or can offer a solution, i would be very grateful. i really would like to get Debian working on this box. thank you. Josh Davison onShore, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]