On Tue, Aug 22, 2000 at 10:59:27AM +0200, Michel D?nzer wrote:
> > Nono, I thought the problem might be that I'm using it on something that
> > /wasn't/ a matrox card. The same kernel will boot with console on whichever
> > device macos had the menubar on, so both the drivers work individually.
> I have to admit I don't fully understand what you say here, but it sounds like
> you are using offb ('No Video Driver' in BootX) - is this so?

0 (13:31)([EMAIL PROTECTED])(~)# cat /proc/fb
0 ATY Rage128
1 control

Sorry, I guess I'm not very clear sometimes. I boot linux from BootX without
any kernel arguments (other than root device), and with No Video Driver
unchecked. The kernel will then proceed to use as console that video card
and that monitor which the macos were using as its primary display (where the
menubar was). The monitor is initialized to the same resolution macos had it
in. The other monitor is not touched, although the kernel knows it's there:

0 (13:31)([EMAIL PROTECTED])(~)# dmesg | grep fb
aty128fb: detected XCLK=0x2aae, ref_div=0x36
aty128fb: Rage128 RE (PCI) [chip rev 0x2] 16M 128-bit SDR SGRAM (1:1)
fb0: ATY Rage128 frame buffer device on /bandit/ATY,Rage128v
fb1: control display adapter

> Do you specify a video=...:... for the second head as well?

No, since I wasn't specifying one for the first. I used to do that, but it
didn't seem to make much difference, so I stopped using it. I have the modes
that I like for each monitor stored in /etc/fb.modes in case the kernel or X
messes something up.

> I guess the X server relies on the kernel to handle the display when it's
> switched away, but the kernel doesn't handle it (doesn't even know about it).

Perhaps there's some way of not letting X know when I've switched away from
it? All I want to happen when I switch from one framebuffer to the other is
for my mouse and keyboard input to go to whatever is resident on that

Thanks again,


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