On Mon, Aug 21, 2000 at 10:21:50AM +0200, Michel D?nzer wrote: > aty128fb is broken. Even when it's told to use depth 16, it uses 15 in fact. > D'oh.
Ah, ok, that explains that. So long as people know about it. Thanks for clearing it up. > Depth 16 does work in the DRI ppc-1-0-0 branch without Option "UseFBDev". It's > also got options to override panel dimensions to enable Pismo users to use > several resolutions. Hmm. If I were to disable UseFBDev while console was on control, then start X, would I have both the console and X active at the same time (that is, updating the screen)? I suspect not, but it'd be nice... > > > Also, does anyone kow how to set up a terminal on fb1? It's just got > > > something that looks like a stereogram on it now. fbgetty will set up a > > > getty on a terminal and tell me it's using fb1, but it's very clearly > > > just where the rest of them are. I found a program called con2fb which is > > > supposed to be able to move ttys between fbs, but it caused a kernel > > > panic. > > > I think it might only be for Matrox cards; dunno. Thanks for any advice. > Peter, have you verified that matroxfb works as fb0? Nono, I thought the problem might be that I'm using it on something that /wasn't/ a matrox card. The same kernel will boot with console on whichever device macos had the menubar on, so both the drivers work individually. However, the device that doesn't have the console on it doesn't get initiallized, or has randomness on it (you know, the stereogram-looking things). I have tried booting to chaos and running X on the aty128rage. It works, but only the active framebuffer gets updated, and the aty display is left in a strange state when I switch to console - as if it got halfway to shifting to a lower resolution. If someone would tell me how, I could write down the information that is printed when con2fb crashes. con2fb is incredibly simple, so I suspect that the error lies somewhere in the deep, dark depths of the kernel. I get dumped into xmon, but I don't seem to be able to do anything - the keyboard isn't good for anything but rebooting anymore, not even emergency syncs. Thanks again for all of your replies, Peter