I do not know why I am wasting time with this issue. Anyway, I have a very different experience on cooling both cars and computers. All the cars I happen to see do run the fan after shutdown (I can clearly hear the quiet after shutdown, then the sound of the fan after a few seconds). This is probably due to a different design for countries with a warm weather, as you report otherwise. Concerning computers, and Linux, it is running this OS that the situation improved, as far as Intel processors are concerned. I can say that the cpus, before the advent of the caged P-II, where so cold that I could safaly touch them. This was, again, using Linux. Using MS-Windows, instead, I could *not* do the similar thing for sure. And I have been using Intel processors for a long, long time. I have a very different experience with PPC. I purchased my first one last summer, and it is damn hot. How is that Linux does not help here? How is that PPC is claimed to be cooler than Intel? The bla-bla takes a different shape when you touch with the finger eh? I also experienced that GNOME's screen saver pumps up the CPU to 100% when it is active. If the PowerBook is cool before triggering the screen saver, it gets boiling hot (with fan spinning) after 30mins. Why is that? I would expect it to shut the display off and similar things, rather than deliberately trying to fry my baby. Anyway, I am done with this topic.
Good luck you all. Sergio