>>  Sorry, I do not see your point.
>>  My point is that if the CPU is piping hot, and you shutdown the
>>  computer, no cooling is provided. This is wrong, as the fan has
>>  nothing to do with the OS and it *must* spin until the temperature
>>  reaches a safe level.

>Well, the fan is there to remove the exess heat generated by a running CPU, if
>you shut off the CPU, there will be no more exess heat generated, and the
>existing heat will most assuredly be dissipated to less active cooling
>mechanism. Since you cannot damage the CPU, or other pieces of the hardware,
>this should cause no problem. And i think the G3 processor is not so hot
>running, that it will be so much above the safe temperature state.

 Ok Sven. You are convinced about your idea, but I am still skeptical.
 In order to persuade me, I need a proof. Please perform this simple
 experiment, then report the result. The experiment is as follows.
 Have a nice and long trip with your car, then come back home, and
 switch the engine off ensuring that the cooling fan is not spinning.
 Let us know if your car starts again the next day.

 If you prefer, you can perform the similar experiment with your brand new
 PowerBook 500Mhz. Just run an intensive floating point application
 for a long time, then shutdown. Keep doing it every day, for a week
 or so. Let us know it your jewel works fine at the end of it.



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