On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 04:43:38PM -0700, David Brown wrote:
> Bronze keyboard G3 Powerbooks (Lombard) do not work with yaboot.  There is
> some kind of initialization issue with the framebuffer that hasn't been
> resolved.  Even though I don't like it, I'm stuck using BootX on my
> powerbook.  I hope this problem will be discovered, someday, though.

it will be, it probably just needs somebody less busy then Ben to look
at it..

> I do agree that BootX is an annoying way to normally boot Linux.  It just
> looks strange to have the machine boot up and identify itself as MacOS, and
> then go into Linux.

what i found more annoying was macos -> bootx -> CRASH -> reboot ->
macos -> bootx -> CRASH -> reboot -> macos -> bootx -> CRASH .....

that and having to screw around copying kernels onto a macos partition
is really lame, kernels belong in /boot (or / if you prefer) on the
ext2fs root filesystem dammit ;-)

Ethan Benson

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