On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 01:25:32PM -0700, C.M. Connelly wrote:
> "EB" == Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>    EB> the debian cds should boot Newworld powermacs and PReP
>    EB> (maybe) it would be nice to be able to boot oldworld macs
>    EB> too but that would require non-free Apple CD drivers or a
>    EB> custom written driver that acts as a boot loader
>    EB> [...]

Reread the above paragraph :)

> I'm sure we've had some discussion about this issue before, but
> just to bring it up again, what are the LinuxPPC people using on
> their CD-ROMs?  My housemat and I downloaded disk images for
> LinuxPPC 2000 and burnt CD-ROMs from them, and they booted my
> ``old world'' PowerComputing clone just fine.  (We actually

The non-free Apple drivers.  You can distribute disks made with them,
but you need a licence to make software which can create such disks, I
think.  Toast, for instance - but not mkhybrid/cdrecord.

> If LinuxPPC can boot both ``old world'' and ``new world''
> PowerMacs with the same CD-ROMs, why can't Debian?  I thought I
> remembered seeing a message from someone at LinuxPPC offering to
> help with getting the bootable CD-ROMs set up, as well, although
> I'm damned if I can find it now (gotta love computers, right?).

You're probably thinking of Brad's offer last year - he was quite

> Let me know if I'm totally off-base here.  While it would be nice
> to have a single set of disks for all PowerPC systems, I think we
> all agree that's not entirely possible, and maybe not even
> entirely desirable.  It seems like the major downside to having
> multiple architecture-specific CD-ROMs would affect retailers more
> than end-users, and I suspect that most Debian users download
> images and burn their own CD-ROMs anyway.

I doubt that assumption.

Also - the subarches we do not currently boot, we have no idea HOW to
boot.  There's talk of a free OldWorld booter, but no one has time
right now.

> * ``Installable'' is their term; I don't know whether that means
> that LinuxPPC 2000 doesn't work on other architectures or whether
> they just mean you can't boot from their CD-ROMs on other
> architectures.

Doesn't boot.

> ** Aside: LinuxPPC's Mac page,
> <http://www.linuxppc.com/about/hardware/apple/>, claims that G4s
> should be able to boot with the newest version of BootX available
> from Ben's site, <http://ppclinux.apple.com/~benh/>.  I thought
> that was kind of interesting given the discussions here about
> BootX vs. yaboot.  I don't see anything on Ben's page that
> confirms or denies G4 bootability with BootX.

I don't think that is true...


/--------------------------------\  /--------------------------------\
|       Daniel Jacobowitz        |__|        SCS Class of 2002       |
|   Debian GNU/Linux Developer    __    Carnegie Mellon University   |
|         [EMAIL PROTECTED]         |  |       [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
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