On Mon, 10 Apr 2000, David Starner wrote:
> Is it necessary? That's 56 packages (8 architectures x 7), a lot
> of disk space on mirrors. We currently have two in the archive. 
> Why create 53 packages if no one's interested in them? I have no
> objections to the creation of a new package if someone's interested,
> but I'd prefer not to see many large packages created if no one's going
> to use them.

hm, perhaps you're right. It does sum up to a lot of disk space.
A much more usable idea that springs to mind is to have a base source
package that requests <host> and <target> platforms when building and then
creates the binary package that provides the cross-compiler requested.
hm, maybe even host should be auto-configured (actually it makes sense,
otherwise it would mean making a cross-compiler using a cross-compiler!),
and only ask for the target platform.
What do you think?

Konstantinos Margaritis

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