On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 05:43:06AM -0500, Jason M Varner wrote:
> Markus Geimer wrote:
> > Hello!
> >
> > I've tried to install Debian GNU/Linux ("frozen") on an Apple PowerMAC
> > G4-450 ("Sawtooth") using BootX 1.2b3 and a special, precompiled kernel
> > (2.2.14) from Benjamin Herrenschmidt but encountered the following
> > problem:
> >
> > The Linux kernel boots, loads the ramdisk image and starts the system
> > installation. The I get the message "Your PowerPC architecture is not
> > supported yet." Pressing return reboots the machine.
> >
> The Debian boot disks for macppc are quite out of date - they don't recognize
> the G4 as a usable architecture. This problem has been noted and is being 
> worked
> on currently, though I don't know its current status.

there are assorted test versions available if you know where to look...

> Modifying the instalation disks is not necessary. It is possible to use the
> LinuxPPC install disks to install Debian instead - one URL describing this
> process on an iMac (which should still be relatively applicable in your case) 
> is
> http://www.debian.org/~wmono/powerpc/
> As he notes, this process works best if you can get the base distribution onto
> HFS media (I'll guess that you have a Zip drive handy). Otherwise, you may 
> have
> to install LinuxPPC first, and then Debian on top of it.

which would result in a horrendous ammount of cruft left lying around
i would suspect...

I have an older test root disk i might still have around if you wnat
to try it, it works on newworld G3s so i would suspect G4's too...

Ethan Benson

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