>>>>> "SC" == Sudhakar Chandrasekharan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    SC> I am attaching the response I got from the upstream
    SC> maintainer.  He basically says that the bug has most
    SC> probably been fixed in the later versions.  I uploaded
    SC> version 0.29 last week to Incoming (the changes file said
    SC> 'unstable; low').  I am in the process of building version
    SC> 0.29.1 I will be uploading it to Incoming later today (am
    SC> going to set the changes file to say 'frozem;medium').

He's wrong -- the problem still exists.  But it's easy to fix.

    SC> Could someone build and test aspell form the version (0.29
    SC> or 0.29.1) that is available in Incoming on powerpc and
    SC> let me know if things are working?

Nope, aspell 0.29.1 shows the same behavior.  If, however, you
apply this patch:

--- aspell-.29.1/src/aspell.cc-original Wed Feb 23 18:38:47 2000
+++ aspell-.29.1/src/aspell.cc  Wed Feb 23 18:28:28 2000
@@ -665,9 +665,9 @@
            << "\" for reading.\n";
-    char c;
+    int c;
     while ((c = FILE.get()) != EOF) {
-      file += c;
+      file += (char) c;
aspell compiles and appears to work (it returns instantly on my
one sentence testfile, and works interactively with a longer, more
complicated file).

BTW, there's still no source in incoming -- I grabbed it from
Kevin's site.


 Behind the counter a boy with a shaven head stared vacantly into space, 
 a dozen spikes of microsoft protruding from the socket behind his ear.
   C.M. Connelly               [EMAIL PROTECTED]                   SHC, DS

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