Stephane Bortzmeyer proclaimed:
> This is a huge (upstream) bug in aspell. The compiler, on the PowerPC (where
> chars are unsigned) tell you so:
> warning: comparison is always true due to limited range of data
> type
> The code is:
>     char c;
>     while ((c = FILE.get()) != EOF) {
> while get returns an int, to be able to check EOF (-1). This code is
> responsible for 50 % of porting problems to the PowerPC.

I am attaching the response I got from the upstream maintainer.  He
basically says that the bug has most probably been fixed in the later
versions.  I uploaded version 0.29 last week to Incoming (the changes file
said 'unstable; low').  I am in the process of building version 0.29.1  I
will be uploading it to Incoming later today (am going to set the changes
file to say 'frozem;medium'). 

Could someone build and test aspell form the version (0.29 or 0.29.1) that
is available in Incoming on powerpc and let me know if things are working?


    "I have two questions for you: How much? and I'll take it."  
                     -- Homer J. Simpson
Sudhakar C13n Lead Indentured Slave
--- Begin Message ---
On Wed, 23 Feb 2000, Sudhakar Chandrasekharan wrote:

> Kevin,
> There seems to be a bug in aspell that causes it to crash when compiled on
> a powerpc.  The details about the bug are at
> The next version of Debian is currently being finalized.  The packages have
> been frozen and only bug fixes are being accepted.  This is going to happen
> for the next 10 days.  If this bug is fixed over the coming days then I can
> get it into the frozen version for inclusion in the soon to be released
> Debian 2.2

Is is probably fixed in Aspell .29.1.  As aspell is still alpha I
generally don't maintain old releases at all.

Um Gaspell is still broken.  It requires an aspell library that does not

Kevin Atkinson

--- End Message ---

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