On Wed, Oct 20, 1999 at 08:31:48PM +0300, Petter Sundlöf wrote:
> And us regular joe's don't have access to that master.debian.org I guess?

See http://www.debian.org/devel/incoming_mirrors

> Anyway, what do you figure my "architecture not supported thing has to
> do with?

It's a boot-floppies check of /proc/cpuinfo.  Looking at the kernel I think
your probably claims it is "machine:    PowerMac" which is not handled yet
in boot-floppies.  I'll fix it for the next release.  There may still be
a problem since one thing the pmac kernel code does is use getprops to 
check the "model" string in OF, I believe.  That will return some thing
different than "PowerMac" in the machine line if it is not NULL.

I you have another Linux boot image like from LinuxPPC that you can boot
and then cat /proc/cpuinfo to tell me what a beige G3 returns that would
help, otherwise maybe Ben H. can chime in regarding what the possible values
are for this field on the newer pmacs.

Matt Porter
This is Linux Country. On a quiet night, you can hear Windows reboot.

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