On Tue, Oct 19, 1999, Joel Klecker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>Once you can get to OF, it'd be:
>'boot fd:linux load_ramdisk=1 prompt_ramdisk=1 root=/dev/ram' (I think).
>To boot with bootx, copy root.bin into the same folder as the bootx 
>app itself and rename it to ramdisk.image.gz, you also need the linux 
>kernel image, which should be placed in the 'Linux Kernels' folder; 
>then launch the bootx app and make sure to check the 'Use ramdisk' 

There's a feature in BootX specially made for distribution CDs: You can
have the kernel, ramdisk and settings files just next to the BootX
application. This way, you can provide a double-clicable application
which launches with the correct default settings for the installer
(mostly "use ramdisk" and the ramdisk_size argument).

If you want to try the new BootX 1.2b1, there is also support for coff
images with embedded ramdisk. Those are also supported by miBoot so you
can make real boot floppies for pre-newworld machines. Once I have
finished with the iBook support, I'll try to fix quik so we can make
bootable CDs that boot both newworld and pre-newworld machines.

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