On Wed, Sep 15, 1999 at 09:56:14AM +0200, Hartmut Koptein wrote:
> > I was wondering how / offering to build PPC binary packages from source 
> > packages that are new or updated, since the PPC binaries seem to be (at 
> > least 
> > sometimes) dated. I don't know what kind of scheme is used to track such 
> > rebuilds, or if additional CPU juice is really needed (maybe I just caught 
> > the 
> > system in a backlog and it is not normally the case that things like xfree, 
> > glibc, etc are dated by several versions, or mixed versions in in 
> > multi-package offerings like xfree (in the case of xfree, it appears that 
> > parts of 3.3.4 are built(fonts), but other parts of X11 are at 
> >, and things like xclients are still from 3.3.2, though 
> > that 
> > one is outdated in both the source and binaries).
> Outdated packages are bad packages with compiler or packing errors. The xfree
> package is one of it (it fails for mach64 and two header files that are at
> the wrong place).

I will build the new xfree server this evening, and maybe tomorrow if
there is a problem with them. Sorry for not doing it earlier, but my
syjet disk was bad, and moving the X source package on 720kb floppies
didn't seem as a good idea. They gave me a new syjet instead of the old
one, so now things seem to work again. Hope Branden get 3.3.5 package
soon though.



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