On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Kevin Puetz wrote:

> Judging by the number of deb packages that compile fine but are out-of-date
> in the PPC tree, is more CPU horsepower needed to auto-build?
> I don't know what the protocol for this is, but I would be more than willing
> to run a debian-compiler instead of looking for an RC5 client. I haven't
> done much with debian packagin before (LinuxPPC is redhat-based), but now
> that I've jumped ship... apt-get source -b package is pretty slick.

I have two old PowerMacs lent me specificly for the purpose of
improving the Debian installation, and a somewhat faster PowerMac clone
which I can also use. Accounts on these machines can only be made
available to people who have valid Cambridge University credentials, which
once included quite a few developers, and still includes Matthew Vernon.

That's not to say that anyone other than me requires access if there's an
automatic builder which uploads things.


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