Hello, ...

I finally managed to create a ppc fixed gdp backage, and ran it over
the core resulted of my X server 3.9Pq crash.

i got the following stuff :

(gdb) bt 9
#0  0x1581778 in kill () from /lib/libc.so.6
#1  0x1581458 in raise () from /lib/libc.so.6
#2  0x1582c8c in abort () from /lib/libc.so.6
#3  0x18eb898 in ddxGiveUp () at xf86Init.c:907
#4  0x18eb958 in AbortDDX () at xf86Init.c:956
#5  0x195120c in AbortServer () at utils.c:440
#6  0x19529ac in FatalError (
    f=0x1cbd158 "Caught signal %d.  Server aborting\n") at utils.c:1461
#7  0x18f52d4 in xf86VTSwitch () at xf86Events.c:1280
#8  <signal handler called>
(More stack frames follow...)
(gdb) frame 7
#7  0x18f52d4 in xf86VTSwitch () at xf86Events.c:1280
1280      FatalError("Caught signal %d.  Server aborting\n", signo);
(gdb) info f
Stack level 7, frame at 0x7ffff960:
 pc = 0x18f52d4 in xf86SigHandler (xf86Events.c:1280); saved pc 0x7ffffba8
 called by frame at 0x7ffff980, caller of frame at 0x7ffff8d0
 source language c.
 Arglist at 0x7ffff960, args: signo=11
 Locals at 0x7ffff960, Previous frame's sp is 0x0
 Saved registers:
  r25 at 0x7ffff964, r26 at 0x7ffff968, r27 at 0x7ffff96c, r28 at 0x7ffff970,
  r29 at 0x7ffff974, r30 at 0x7ffff978, r31 at 0x7ffff97c, lr at 0x7ffff984

Ok, when i try to look at more frames than #8, i got a gdb segfault.

is this normal ? where should i send the info about this bug if not



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