System info ----------- Linux ppc1target 2.2.3 #61 Fri Apr 2 14:43:15 CEST 1999 ppc unknown
dpkg -s netstd Package: netstd Status: install ok installed Priority: standard Section: net Installed-Size: 925 Maintainer: Herbert Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Version: 3.07-7.1 Replaces: pftp (<< 0.7.6-1), wu-ftpd, wu-ftpd-academ Pre-Depends: netbase (>= 3.00), libc6 (>= 2.1), libncurses4 (>= 4.2-3.1), libreadlineg2 (>= 2.1-13.1) Suggests: mail-transport-agent Conffiles: /etc/bootptab ca74a74efcdd3cbd1e2c9fd0fff399ca /etc/ftpusers d141bdd8e0b1aa2e5e4023345b3fbc9a /etc/hosts.equiv d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e /etc/bootparams a6bf99f5d041c60244c1e1c077fa7b80 /etc/init.d/netstd_init e2033f1e3c2c0f64afe21cb8732ef55f /etc/init.d/netstd_misc fb69c9f01916b16dcb2fa38a88cbb895 Description: Networking binaries and daemons for Linux The netstd package provides you with the standard networking services (server and clients). This includes services like ftp, bootp, tftp, finger, rsh, rlogin and others. Aparently, there is a bug in rcp : if you specify a non existing local source file, rcp dies with "Memory fault" rcp /tmp/nonexisting valid_machine_name:/tmp Memory fault -- __ / ` Eric Valette /-- __ o _. Canon CRF - Communication Dept (___, / (_(_(__ Rue de la touche lambert 35517 Cesson-Sevigne Cedex FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)2 99 87 68 91 Fax: +33 (0)2 99 84 11 30 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]