Hi, We have Umax APUS PPC clone with LinuxPPC distribution but we would like to switch to Debian. I tested LinuxPPC bootdisk and Debian base tarball some time ago, it worked in single user only...
I would like to ask two questions: - How to boot APUS from IDE harddisk? Now the only way to boot is floppy with MacOS format, setting nvram to 'boot device: fd:installer.coff' and 'boot file: root=/dev/hda5 noinitrd'. Is there any possibility to boot from IDE hard drive (? string for device name, partition, image, QUIK ?) We tested various strings according to documentation, but none worked. - Can I switch console fonts? Setfont does not work, is there any alternative? (valkyrie console framebuffer) Thank you, Vladislav Cerny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>